It would seem that Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender isn’t as bad or as poorly received as some news outlets made it out to be. Sure, Netflix did rush the story a bit, some minor things were shuffled, and the overall quality doesn’t really match up to its previous success—the One-Piece adaptation—but Avatar still won the audience’s hearts and brought in a ton of viewership to Netflix’s streaming platform. So, unsurprisingly, the streamer renewed Avatar for not one but two more seasons.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Will Get A Proper Ending

The renewal of Netflix’s Avatar will see Aang not only continue his travels to the Earth Kingdom but also to the Fire Nation, bringing his story to a satisfying conclusion—one that the previous cinematic adaptation never received.
Netflix announced the renewal by sharing a somewhat misleading image, with upcoming season numbers engulfed in their corresponding elements and colors. We called it misleading because the first season carries the mark of the air nomad, while its anime counterpart is called Book One: Water.
What’s In Store For Seasons 2 And 3

Nonetheless, the streaming giant may thematically be on course with the following two seasons, with Season 2 of Netflix’s Avatar adaptation represented in green and Season 3 in red, signaling Earth and Fire, respectively. If the show continues to adapt its seasons per their anime counterparts, the upcoming seasons will reflect the events of Book Two: Earth and Book Three: Fire, and for those who haven’t watched the anime, you’re in for an exciting and entertaining adventure.
Will Netflix Up The Seasonal Episode Count?

However, this poses the question of formatting the seasons. Netflix’s Avatar Season 1 was only eight episodes long, so Netflix had to cut down on the content, which was quite noticeable at the end. So, if the show’s future formatting reflects that of the animated show, we’re supposed to receive two more episodes, and if Netflix follows the same recipe, that means we’ll only get 16 more episodes. The streamer said nothing about the episode count associated with future seasons, but it would be nice if they stretched the story a bit.
Plenty Of Stories Left To Adapt

This is particularly true because Avatar: The Last Airbender‘s animated universe is pretty vast, and Aang and the gang went on numerous adventures during their travels and Aang’s training. We’re yet to encounter Toph, learn why Iroh is called The Dragon of the West, and there’s a certain villain who is going to become one of Aang’s most valuable and trusted friends/allies. The journey to those events implies plenty more narrative building, and the current format of the adaptation doesn’t really allow for much additional content.
Stream Season 1 On Netflix

Still, credit must be given where due, and even with the cut content, Netflix’s Avatar adaptation performed beyond everyone’s expectations, and it’s currently dominating TV and streaming top 10 lists across the globe. While there’s still room for improvement, the fact that the show has been renewed for two additional seasons points towards a positive reception by the audiences. There is still no word on when the production of the seasons will begin or when we might expect to see new episodes on Netflix.