Aang will be meeting a lot of powerful Earthbenders in the upcoming season of Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Netflix recently adapted the popular animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender, into a live-action, and the hype around the series has been very intense since its release. The first season of the series served as an introduction to the major characters of the series and covered the story of the first season of the animated series.

However, there are a lot of powerful benders that have not been introduced in the series as of yet. So today, we will talk about some of the mightiest benders of the Avatar-verse who might be introduced in the next season of the Netflix series.
1. Long Feng
Long Feng is one of the most powerful Earthbenders in the Earth nation, and the character will definitely not go down as a fan-favorite character in the series. Long Feng was the closest adviser to King Kuei, the King of the Earth Nation, but he was blinded by his lust for power.

During the last years of the Hundred-Year War, which sets the backdrop of the series, Long Feng had established himself as the de facto dictator of the Earth Nation. Feng also ended up handing over Ba Sing Se, the capital of the Earth Kingdom, to Princess Azula of Fire Nation as a part of the deal, which eventually ended up backfiring on him.
Long Feng will probably act as the secondary antagonist in the second season of the Netflix series.
2. General Fong
General Fong is one of the pivotal characters of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Although he only appeared for one episode in the animated series, he pushed Aang to activate his Avatar state, which helped him throughout the series.

General Fong had been fighting against the Fire Nation in the Hundred-Year War for almost 25 years and was an extreme strategist. He is also one of the strongest Earthbenders shown in the series, and his underlings are fiercely loyal to him.
General Fong might appear in the premiere episode of the 2nd season of the Netflix series.
3. Jeong Jeong
Jeong Jeong is one of the strongest Firebenders in the series and was also the first person who taught Aang about firebending. Jeong Jeong was the distinguished admiral of the Fire Nation Navy before he started despising his nation and left the military. That is the reason that he was also nicknamed as ‘The Deserter‘.

After leaving the Fire Nation, Jeong Jeong settled in the Earth Nation where he would meet Aang later. Jeong Jeong should’ve been a part of the first season of the series, but the writers decided to remove him from the series completely.
However, the character can still be a part of the second season of the series as he was the reason that Aang decided to master Firebending at the very last.
4. Azulon, former Fire Lord
Azulon was the last Fire Lord before the events of Avatar: The Last Airbender took place. Azulon was the father to current Fire Lord Ozai and the grandfather to Zuko and Princess Azula. Although he did not play a pivotal part in the series, he is still one of the strongest Firebenders that appeared on the show.

Azulon will most likely appear in the second season of the series in Zuko’s flashback as it is a vital part of his backstory.
5. Yangchen, the nomad Airbender
Yangchen is one of the most skilled Airbenders who appears in the series. She was the Air Nomad Avatar and the successor to Avatar Szeto. She was widely respected for her wisdom and power, and it was due to her power that no threats of war occurred for many many years after her death. Although Airbending still remained her dominant bending style, she mastered all forms of bending throughout her life.

In the original animated series, Aang does not converse with Yangchen until the third season. However, in Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender, maybe we can see Aang conversing with Yangchen about the Avatar state in the second season of the series itself.
Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender has largely received positive reviews from fans. However, the series received mixed reviews from critics as the plot and acting in the series were criticized.
Despite critics’ negative reviews, Netflix recently renewed the series for 2 more seasons so that they can complete the story of Aang’s epic adventure when he eventually faces off against Fire Lord Ozai and defeats him to establish an era of peace.
The first season of Avatar: The Last Airbender is currently streaming on Netflix